A duck stole my PB&J straight out of my hand when I was little. IT IS traumatizing. Tell your daughter that I totally feel her pain. Also, I’m 27.
A duck stole my PB&J straight out of my hand when I was little. IT IS traumatizing. Tell your daughter that I totally feel her pain. Also, I’m 27.
I just want to hear Bruce Jenner say that he’s happy. As a kid who built a decathlon in our backyard and competed with my siblings to be Bruce Jenner, I hope he gets to be what makes him happy. He was amazing and defined athleticism and masculinity, so let him define what makes him completely whole.
If I had a million dollars we wouldn’t have to eat Kraft Dinner, but we would eat Kraft Dinner. Of course we would, we’d just eat more, and buy really expensive ketchups with it. That’s right, all the fanciest Dijon ketchups.
“shoppers’ fixation on promotional prices” I see so many brands blaming customers for this! Don’t set your prices so high and then have 30% off all the time if you don’t want us to get used to it.
You want to know how commonplace this is? No, you probably don’t.
This particular nursing facility had a frank and uncomfortable conversation with the patient’s husband, explaining that she was likely too incapacitated to truly consent to sexual activity.
I just read this article and some of the comments. On the one hand, there is a legitimate issue of nursing homes not recognizing or being uncomfortable with the sexuality and sexual behaviors of their residents, and part of that is surely that we stop thinking of people as being interested in sex once they become…
I read all the eeewwws as “What a skeezy asshole to rape an incapacitated spouse in that way.”
Buller said staff members will testify that Henry Rayhons appeared to understand that his wife could no longer consent to sex. “You’ll hear that the defendant said, ‘That is not a problem,’ “ the prosecutor said. “… If he had stayed true to his word, we wouldn’t be here today.”
So did I until this part:
Googling “NBA baby stealer in Spain” is not helping out much. Anyone who actually follows basketball and may have a better idea?
No way this is real letter.
25 guys in ONE NIGHT? Seems like that would hurt.
Did Simon do most of the work in the orgy, too?
This one is dated, and doesn’t technically involve the musician, but I’ll share. Also, I’m not sure if it is true, but considering my aunts love to tell the story when they’re drunk, and my mother gets all huffy while not explicitly calling it a lie, I believe it. My mom and two of her sisters came to the US (she’s…
They dangled their child over the top of the enclosure. It’s not like he fell over the bars just standing there.
Suddenly I feel better about my many bad parenting choices. Next time I get down on myself I can think, well at least I didn't drop him in a pit of wild animals.
Oh man, I am not even going to try to play cool here. Saw a similar episode while travelling, in Barcelona. A young couple who took their 2 year old daughter and lifted her over the fence at the zoo. So the child would get a better look at the lions inside the fence. I couldn’t breath normally for a few minutes. When…
This is why I report on celebrities and not things that actually matter.
Plus you get bonus points when it’s on Shabbat.