I’m assuming you’ve read “i’m with the band” by Pamela Des Barres. That’s the only one I know of. Any others?
I’m assuming you’ve read “i’m with the band” by Pamela Des Barres. That’s the only one I know of. Any others?
The best thing is the scratched out mess above the misspelling. And the loopy handwriting of teenaged girls everywhere.
If you re watch the first episode of Friends, she has her original curly/wavy hair. She would not have been the star attraction on Friends with that hair (which is my hair, btw).
I was 14, we were on a family vacation in Florida. I got my period, of course, on the day we were going to a wave pool (in the 70s, this was no small thing). Not one to miss a beat, my mother went into the bathroom stall with me and inserted my first tampon.
But that’s where your parents should step in, no? Say “honey you’re young, let’s think about this.”
She owes me nothing. She owes all the teenage girls who believed her something.
I like Mindy, follow her on Instagram, read her first book, will read her second...
I am short and busty, so I have always known that a maxi was a no go for me. Also, there’s the hazard of tripping.
How is it that I didn’t know that Cher was at the Met until right now? How come there were no pictures of her?
Let me be the first to tell you that Kylie has admitted that she has fillers, and will talk about it on that Kardashian show.
She IS a horrible liar! She said she got her lips from lip pencils, and she got fillers. That is a lie, and that makes her a liar.
Should we be surprised that even when caught in a lie Kylie Jenner says she didn’t lie? She said lipliner, Khloe said lipliner, liar liar pants on fire.
Best. Broad City. Episode. EVER!
So I guess we now have to believe that Kylie Jenner is doing this technique instead of injections, huh.
Yep, I though that was odd too.
Jason Jones, Bee’s husband, got a sit down with Jon when he left. Sam didn’t. Why is that?
What show is this from?
Worst Wedding Gift Ever: one of those ‘every year of school’ photo frames, with each picture a melding of our faces to show a different variation of what our children could look like. In the center was our engagement picture, which is what they manipulated to get the freaky as hell ‘baby’ pictures. Not only did I make…
And she hadn’t even worked there yet! What was there to complain about? Don’t apply to work in childcare, then
Wait, I’m supposed to feel bad for the women who said she doesn’t want to be around kids... and then applied for a job in day care? What?