Thank you.
Thank you.
You are incorrect that only Brandon Jenner spoke. He was the first to speak, and then the 3 other older children spoke.
“If I don’t have an answer than I’ll theorize it”. I.E. make it up.
That assumes that Brandi is an innocent party, and one thing you have to say about Brandi is; she’s never innocent.
They were all together for Halloween, I’m assuming for a party. And Alexia was the first one Kingsley bit. Kim was probably going to accuse Alexia of antagonizing the dog. Since then the dog went on to bite Kim’s ‘second mother’ and Kim said it was all her fault, because she went into the room where the dog was. That…
The person taking the picture could have held the baby for the two minutes it took to finish going to the bathroom, pulling up your pants and washing your hands.
I have two kids. I breastfed and also did bottles. Never was I sooo crazy busy that I couldn’t wait to get off the toilet to breastfeed. That is a crawling baby, at least, and certainly could be told “one minute, honey”.
Tom and Lorenzo are right. Target has it within their power to set limits, and they refuse to. If you set limits, the resellers power is diminished and more people are able to get the goods.
When my daughter was in 6th grade, she wanted UGG boots (we live in MN). My parents generously bought them for her as a present for both her birthday and Hanukah. They were pink, while most of the girls here have them in shades of brown. Since it was an unusual color, she had lots of compliments, followed by lots of…
The looks on the teenaged Target employees’s faces was hilarious. I asked my cashier “do you believe this?” and he was like “no way, dude.”
The only men I saw that morning were manning the carts for their wives/girlfriends. And I saw a woman carrying an infant while shopping. I was afraid the baby would get knocked out of her arms.
Regular retail? Fast food restaurants? Working at Target? They applied everywhere they could and still couldn’t get a job, so they had to wait in line, buy up merchandise to resell on line as the only way to put food on the table? Doubtful.
Wait, buying stuff to resell at inflated prices is working?
I can live with ‘melk’. I can’t live with ‘aig’ (egg) or ‘baig’ (bag).
So... you hate everyone who did the food bank challenge, then? Because none of them “made the effort to really understand what it’s like to be poor”. All those people pouring buckets of water on their heads were trying to live a day in someone else’s shoes? I don’t think so.
I am Old , so I can’t link to the Slate story about how you people are so, so tired to make fun of GP. All of you who make fun should immediately donate $1000 and then take up the Food Bank Challenge and put your money where your mouth is. Something is better than nothing. Which is what the rest of us do.
I will NEVER click a link from Radar only to watch an ad before reading the story again.
Tiffany, what you're wearing is not a dress. It's a tunic top. How are you wearing any undergarments? And if you're not, who would want to sit on that chair after you?
My daughter, now 13, still brings up the chicken who stole her apple slice at the petting zoo. When she was 2. I think she doesn’t really remember it, she just thinks she does because we used to tell the story so often. She insists it was a traumatizing event. OK then.
Oh, the ‘Oprah is gay’ rumor is so old and over.