
very glad you did a piece on this Jason. I’ve wondered about it ever since I saw it in this book:

I feel like I’d want something easier to drive and more forgiving around corners

This is bullshit. A life is worth more than some old-guy fun.

I am well aware but the idea that someone can get more penalized for this than murder or rape or actively killing multiple people trying to save 10¢ on a part (cough GM cough) is ridiculous in my opinion.

I think the punishment for putting more emissions into the air should carry a lesser penalty than trying to save 10¢ on a part and in turn actively killing multiple people, that’s what I think


Spread out it is reasonable. For one guy? Bullshit

I know but its the idea that far worse crimes can carry a lesser punishment is ridiculous in my opinion


169 years is too much for this crime

off-topic: what happened to tavarish?

Honestly I agree but I’m glad that Ford is taking the mustang in a newer, less retro direction (unlike the Camaro, which while good looking, definitely needs to shake it up a bit...)

Damn that thing is gorgeous

Well then again this *is* the supposed Model T of electric cars...

Hip hip hooray for positivity amirite

I’m not sure that’s how it works but ok then

when the hell did this sound like it would work?

I want to meet one of the seven people who bought an ELR last month

this just shattered my world

do you ever find Easter eggs in tester cars?