BaaBaa Black

I’m not saying this was a particularly worthwhile article, but at the same time, I’m not expecting pop culture blog The AV Club to fix the “shitshow” of our world. I’m not sure how they’d go about that.

Put some pants on your blue freak!!

Yes. Jerry’s an elder statesman of comedy, his friends are mostly comedians, and he hosts a show where he interviews comedians. I think the majority of his kvetching is on behalf of others and what he considers to be the art form at large. He himself barely ever said anything that would offend anyone even today.

Because that’s how book tours work.

Bingo. He got flak from his kids on that specific joke, and he’s had a bug up his ass since exactly then.

Whatever’s grinding Seinfeld’s gears, I don’t think it’s the death of the network sitcom. Someone else suggested that he’s upset that Michael Richards lost his career, and I think that might be the right track. Not Richards specifically (he seems very at peace with what happened and has made it clear that he’s not

Being smart doesn’t automatically make you good at marketing. lol And honestly have you seen those dumbass hats people have been wearing the last few years? SNL even made a sketch about them (“Big Dumb Hat”). Honestly she was just before her time with the urban sombrero.

Dude never was in any danger of being too fucking edgy, blue, or controversial”

Whaddya mean “sphere”!?
(that’s right, I’m a Flat-Twitterist!)

Fashion is frequently dumb and capricious. She thought she could play the game.

I think Jerry is still broken up over how Michael Richards has been basically ostracized from society, but what he did would have gotten him “cancelled” during Seinfeld’s run, so it makes no sense.

Ah, Jerry Seinfeld: the man who was barely relevant on the TV show that bore his name.

like most of us I’m bored on a Sunday? why are you here?

Yeah... I’m pretty certain we’re getting close to worst video game adaption of all time with this one.

There are numerous examples of fire in space in SW. 

The SW-verse has literal human slaves. Droids being machine-people who are still property is neither surprising nor out-of-character.

Fire in space in Star Wars has never been new though!

Sound is transmitted in space in Star Wars as well!

Eh, I’m fine with ‘don’t pay too much attention’ for things like how light sabers work, etc., but it feels like “these characters are clearly people and yet they’re treated as property” is an issue that it should resolve at some point.

I can’t believe that I missed that it was a painted fake door that drops them into Vault 4. That’s hilarious.

Maximum and Thaddeus.