BaaBaa Black

Part of the problem is that many states refuse to call it History and instead call it Social Studies. That allows people with no knowledge of history to teach. Many schools also use it as a place to stow coaches.

She wants proof that white privilege exists? She’s been spreading racist bs and still hasn’t gotten fired.

“Dayanna Volitich” “Tiana Dalichov”

So she was only caught because she was monumentally stupid and used the same avatar as her other identity, neglected to change her age, and claimed the same exact amount of experience teaching. Great job “investigating”, media. Meanwhile 100 others just like her are a bit smarter and probably getting away with this.

What will be really interesting is when they find one of these assholes with tenure.

This has been going for years. 15 years ago, I had a white teacher in high school tell us (a mostly white class) that the civil war had nothing to do with slavery which is white supremacist talking point and untrue.

“But no” random white people will say “racism doesn’t exist anymore, BUT if it does, it was started when Obama became President and fanned the flames of racism like the world has never seen!”

So who wants to bet she comes out and says she’s not a racist and lies about getting death threats and how things have been so horrible for her since this news broke?

That’s surreal. The spider literally looks like one of those felt-covered plastic Halloween decorations that people stick to their front door.

I thought the bigger spider was an ornament meant to keep spiders out but no they’re probably on a date.


Geez it’s so absurdly huge that it looks like a fucking Halloween decoration. And don’t forget to notice its smaller (but still pretty large!) friend on the right trying to keep out of sight.

The only time I ever heard anyone complain about Django was on TV and I live in the rural South. I feel like a lot of outrage on both sides is just amplified by the internet and cable news. The loudest people don’t necessarily represent everyone who has an opinion about an issue. And, of course, without outrage this

Tarantino makes homages to films that inspired him from the mid ‘60's- early ’80's. Co-opting the essence of genres (grindhouse, blaxploitation, war exploitation, etc.) for art and profit, and co-opting real life crisis to exploit masquerading as art, for profit, are not mutually exclusive.

Yes, but I’d prefer Idris Elba.

Bronson made like 10? of these things didn’t he?

Gone with the Wind

Bruce Willis is a decade older than Charles Bronson was in the original. I would have guessed they were closer in age.