BaaBaa Black

AI is a hot button topic atm, so anytime there is a headline to be made about AI they post an article because getting clicks is what matters most these days. You’re pretty much guaranteed to see some AI related headline on AVC, Kotaku, or Giz at least once a week.

I don’t remember anyone saying no one cared, but I would expect some to say that w/ the internet being what it is. OTOH I do remember a few posters pointing out that the anti-Rowling crowd was risking boosting the game via Streisand Effect and also creating a thing for culture warriors to turn into a rallying point.

Paramount with a backbone...that would be nice but pretty unlikely. I fear that the success of The Orville may have done enough to make Paramount scared that they’re just creating opportunities for someone else to retread Berman Trek for a nice payday.

Blame the “fans” who loudly complain anytime we get Trek that doesn’t fall into their narrow definition of what Trek is supposed to be.

This. I have hundreds of not logged in-game hours that I spent tweaking character concepts in the creator.

It seems like they looked at the enduring popularity of Skyrim and thought “We just need to keep giving players more spaces to run around in and the modders will take care of creating replayability” and never considered that players need to love the world they created before they will feel that level of passion for

Basically all FPP games due to motion sickness. I’m usually ok w/ the psuedo TPP where I can see my characters upper back but true FPP messes w/ me.

So...Daggerfall was Starefield done right?

By that reasoning almost all action anime are extended tournament arcs.

Disagree but I get your point.

To me a tournament arc requires there to be a tournament. The Kyoto Exchange Event was basically a group spar until the Fire Nation attacked.

Care to offer a refresher on that?

Bottom texting is the ‘24 version butt dialing.

I like Bo’s, but they’re third after Rush’s and Spinx to me for fried chicken chains. I’ve probably gone there for biscuit sandwiches more often than chicken since they do all day breakfast.

If you look at the article on this site that covers the various Mickey copyright rushers (best term I could think of, sorry) you can see promo art that has “ ’88

Please tell me you aren’t describing the Shibuya Incident as a tournament arc.

The N word has a fairly built up reknown at this point so it would be difficult for someone who spent a period of time greater than, idk, 5 years to be entirely unaware of it. Its fairly easy to not be aware of things associated w/ the modern nazi movement if you don’t seek it out or hang out in places where people

What isn’t rife w/ actual nazis these days?

Revelations’ is usually used for sequel or prequel titling.
