BaaBaa Black

My recall is a bit fuzzy as I read about it years back. I think their pilot passed out due to a medical issue and Masterson was the one to revive them.

I saw a YouTube vid last night of someone running the game on a 1tb 7200rpm drive. Game froze up a lot. Like every time he looked at a NPC. Feel free to look the vid up yourself.

Not really surprised Kutcher spoke up on his behalf. Its gotta be hard to abandon the guy who kept you from dying in a plane crash.

Or olive oil. There are plenty of laxative alternatives.

Shout out to the artist of that comic for the entirely unnecessary butthole detail.


Its not that weird given that most accounts of his marriage to Farrow imply that he only saw her and her kids on weekends, and he wasn’t there to be anyone’s dad.

And you definitely wouldn’t see a damane smirking. There are a lot of things that are very tonally off in this adaptation.

I guess they never considered how pacifier adjacent those ‘stoppers’ are visually. Or how the visual of the damane is altered by them appearing to move around without restraint.


Is that how the whole great replacement thing starts?

I worked at one of CDG’s offices for about a week back in ‘03.

Does anyone actually ‘look forward’ to Boruto?

Are you using Chrome or a Chromium based browser? I use OperaGX and I tend to experience the same problems every so often. It comes w/o warning and goes away after a day or 2.

Starred for the combo of a good point and simple but smart username punnery.

RIP. Just like Hamill will always be my generation’s Joker, Sorkin will always be our Quinn.

The most amazing thing about that Snoke theories article is that its a Giztaku article with a number in its title that isn’t a slide show.

Interesting. I recall a similar thing happening with Jessica Biel.

Saying he’s “fine” would be like you being fine after a false accusation but, you know, you lost your executive level career but got a job as a manager at Applebees.

No. No. Nonononononononononono.