BaaBaa Black

I’m not into it after the previous ep. Or any time I remember that droids are supposed to be sapient.

I’m happy to keep gaming on my overpriced 6700XT, tyvm.

Real world testing by reputable YT has shown otherwise. Do you actually have proof to point to or are you just content to talk out of your ass?

It was hot when they froze it?

New favorite way to get rid of crunch bars

I like calling it Transformers:Age of Consent.

TIL Kid Rock’s music career is a lot like Fred Thompson’s presidential run.

To be fair, if you chose the religion and interpretation of dogma that our religious right does your life would still suffer but then you could call it victory.

The Root’s article has more info on that.

Anyone else having issues w/ the site over the past day or so? I’m running into a lot of broken buttons for some reason.

Is there a point to going to PETA for comment on anything? They have exactly one opinion.

Also, Celebrity Deathmatch.

The studio would likely still need to pay Gadot’s fee if they used her likeness.

Nice. My point definitely stands for US teams, though i’d guess some would debate it with the Buss family.

All pro teams are playthings for their rich owners. Getting up in arms about the location of the rich person who will never really give two shits about your distaste for them is a waste of time and effort.

The ‘same network’ part should make this one fairly easy to id.

And exactly how are you defining ‘this lifestyle’? She pursued celebrity, not her private life being monetized without her consent.

Agreed. Also couldn’t place her face until this comment.

The show lost me like 10 seconds into ep 1. I hate ‘In media res’ with a passion. I hate it even more when the hook is ‘hey all the characters you know and love are D-E-A-D...aaaand enjoy waiting on us to get back to this thread we just plopped out’.

Prisons have phones.