BaaBaa Black

The former Mr. Shahi

Fatalities in MK2 were pretty long in terms of amount of required inputs from what I remember. I can buy her stumbling on to how to do one via button mashing but it’s fairly hard to believe that she could repeat the process enough to know the exact commands without working on it for every moment of her 3 weeks absence.

I never encountered a single MK2 cabinet w/ moves printed on them. Possible sure, but not a thing you were guaranteed to see.

I think MvC2 would have been more popular since fighting games used a standard cabinet which would’ve been a lot easier to fit into mall and movie theater arcades than the typical DDR setup.


My approach would be to always respond w/ questions of my own and see how granular I could get with it.

Never heard of that one. Closest thing I had BITD was a combo of Hawaiian Punch and 99 Bananas.

Yes to the list, no and i’m not sure i’ve ever heard/read Tony Khan’s name before now.


So...you think he had that take because he’s gay? Not really following your logic here.

That depends on whether or not there’s a camera crew.

Exactly. Adapt THAT Esmail!

I think it may be in line w/ cosmicghostrider’s point, but you never know.

I interpreted the complaint similarly.

I’m not directly aware of any controversy but I did read on either kotaku or giz that some commenters saw complaints about Ramsey not being as pretty as game Ellie somewhere.

People tend to take issue w/ women and children dying graphically so you generally won’t see those things too often outside of slasher films.

Same. I’m not sure that i’ll finish the show off though. Not much point when I know there won’t be any more eps after this.

Depends on where you define the term. Oxford basically defines it as ‘mother who gave birth to the child’ but others like Webster may use your meaning.

Nice write-up. Keep doing this and you might replace Deadspin. And I mean the good one.

Yeah...There is a page full of rumors from the ‘Monday night wars’ era that i’d love to get verified.