BaaBaa Black

If she deserves recognition and didn’t get it, that’s a snub. Its like saying we can’t complain when Denzel Washington or Viola Davis don’t get nominated because they’re still successful anyway.

Are you saying after reading the article or did you just read the headline?

The info above gives the impression that this would be used for situations in which the conception mother(idk what a better term is here) would be unable to safely carry a fetus to term rather than turning the brain dead into baby mills.

All of this is beside the point though. The main consideration atm is the ethics of the scenario.

I think you’re the first to ever accuse Zack Snyder and David ‘She-Hulk was created so Hulk would have someone to fuckGoyer of knowing what subtext is.

I should be more surprised that i’m getting this news from one of your posts instead of a newswire, but i’m not.

So your defense for SnyderSupes is ‘Well he did some good stuff before he decided he cares less about collateral damage than some villains’ and ‘his dad was asking for it’? Not the winning arguments you think they are.


IMO the qualifier is whether or not the movie works as a relatable snapshot of that period in life. In your list I would only apply that to Blockers, and just barely.

The consequences were saved for Peacemaker.

I think that might be a perfect summary.

Do you hate 80's music?

I can tell by the look of those cookies that this is not something i’d be up for. Cold brew and layer cakes OTOH..

Garfield was done a disservice by everyone who conceived the Amazing films. Their need to re-invent the character resulted in a Peter Parker that did not feel like he belonged in a Spider-Man movie.

Its probably due to female toons usually having breasts or at least the appropriate lumps to give the audience the impression of their presence, and that makes them just anatomically correct enough for a lack of pants to look odd.

Ok I get why this is a GJI, but why did you link fanart of the green M&M with a cleft(or if you prefer, booty) chin?

Are you certain those weren’t moving billboards? Just remembering seeing cars plastered w/ ads years back.

I suspect its more about protecting the game’s numbers than anything else. If the game does well then Roiland can always work with them again once he’s repaired his public image, while the game failing could potentially be blamed on his current infamy and possibly doom any future plans.

Can’t speak for the person you replied to, but I saw the headline and assumed that Tess must have been killed off and i’d say that most people who have any level of familiarity w/ typical online discussion would also draw that conclusion.

The 90's.