Walt Longmire would like to stare at you until you reconsider that position.
Walt Longmire would like to stare at you until you reconsider that position.
Its almost as if predators seek out jobs that give them access to their preferred targets and have minimal to nonexistent oversight.
I’m guessing Kate was still pissed about Jon attempting to end the show or possibly concerned that she would be giving him more ammo.
GMA 3 is on at 1pm Eastern.
I’m pretty sure i’ve seen him in a few things, but I most remember him for the role of Hap on Grimm. He made what should have been a very forgettable one-off character into one of the first things I recall when I scroll past the series’ boxcover on Prime. Sad to see him gone so soon.
Feel free to double down on willfully obtuse then. I don’t mind.
Yes they are. And when they don’t want to serve, they use any excuse available to them to opt out. That’s how that works.
That involves a significant amount of assuming facts not in evidence and, believe it or not, a lot of people who opt to serve on juries take things like ‘the letter of the law’ seriously.
I’ve had to go to the courthouse jury duty 3 times, twice in my 20s and once in my 30s. I had the distinct impression that being unemployed at those times made me less than desirable as I was immediately dismissed as a potential juror.
We still have mornings and ABC is still a broadcast network. Why wouldn’t we still have GMA?
I grew up in the 80's and my maternal Grandfather always referred to my youngest aunt’s car as a Datsun for their entire time of ownership though i’m fairly certain it had Nissan branding.
Any elite college athlete in schools that made their bank from sports could treat the school part of college as optional. Charles Barkley has often been quoted as saying “I knew I didn’t have to worry about my GPA as long as I lead the SEC in scoring.”
My Mom is 73 and she’s still dealing w/ her mother passing 7 years ago. Losing a parent is a lot at any age.
So...you’re saying this was some kind of Andor marketing stunt?
Or it could just be a blind spot in the writers’ awareness of their culture.
Wasn’t talking about NY and CA or anywhere outside of China. Just thinking about my own experiences in SC, a state that wasn’t LGBT friendly when I was a kid(not that i’m saying it is now), and how I knew plenty of people in the LGBT community.
I don’t expect dictatorships to be good on human rights but you would think that their leaderships’ obsession with the perception of strength would make them give up on fighting battles that they can’t win. You can edit gay out of movies/TV/books but you can’t remove it from sentient life.
Waiting for a list...
House of the Dragon