BaaBaa Black

Its more the ‘person who chose job in appearance focused industry complains that her job only cared about her looking pretty’ thing that people find a bit rankling.

Not accurate. You can buy beer and wine in the places you mention, but liquor is typically only available at specialty stores. From there the laws get more specific based on your state.

If you want to do a write-up with unfounded grooming allegations, this is where you should do it.

The movies that the special was paying tribute to were typically under an hour in length.

There really, really, had to be a better way to word that headline.

Arguing that a people’s name should change based on the comfort level of outsiders to their culture isn’t progress.

I continue to be amazed that Letitia Wright is still involved. I guess she’s the right level of crazy to have full job security.

I think this is very dependent on context.

That’s funny. I can recall when he got shit for being anti-trans due to a book of his seeming to imply that trans women are gay men that get surgery to pass as women so they can pursue hetero men.

Is the negative for times when sex gets taken back from people? Depending on the amount of fluids involved that has to get really bad fast, right?

Heh. Jordan’s 2nd return is right up there with The Decision for sports fan overreactions that I will never not find hilarious.

What did fire do to deserve Joss Whedon?

Is the Empire of this era supposed to be human first? If so an all human heist crew makes more sense.

Regardless of how having the past brought back makes her feel, everything involving the case is fair game.

As a whole the 3 eps are a very good pilot, but the first ep suffers from being weirdly paced. It ends in a spot that feels like they cut it off a scene or two early. Depending on how you look at it, they either should have merged eps 1 & 2 or just released the 3 eps as a pilot movie.

So Scots don’t have shoes. Got it.

Hm. This is the first time in recent memory that one of these stories involves someone somewhat noticeable from the aforementioned show and not an extra whose presence is entirely unmemorable.

A counter to that is how often the choice of colloquialisms tends to be poor. Some times trying to pull things over to English leads to really really bad dialogue or just weirdness. Like whoever it is that keeps thinking that ‘sissy’ works as a swap-in for older sister.

I recommend JP as the only good part of the Eng dub is Giancarlo Esposito doing his usual villain schtick. To each their own ofc.

Even if lil brother is a dwarf?