BaaBaa Black

They kissed twice before Flashpoint but Barry’s accidental time travel undid the first kiss as well as her epiphany that she felt the same about him and creating Flashpoint undid the second.

My feelings are the opposite. I think it makes her character seem dumb for trying to hold Iris accountable in the present for a decision she hasn’t made yet. And it is made worse by it seeming like she either doesn’t know the reasoning for that choice but thinks it makes sense to think it was unwarranted or she that

We’re still kicking that dead horse these days?

Maybe he was into pole dancing for fitness pre-injury.

I still see truck nuts on occasion. The joys of SC life.

Might not always be racism. Years back, I worked for a telemarketing company that made calls to solicit donations for a State Troopers assoc. Pretty much every donor I spoke to did it for the rear window decal because they thought it would make Troopers less likely to pull them over.

Thanks. Can’t believe I missed that.

- How exactly did Barry not get hypnotized at the stadium? He did glance around and it takes less than a second to read a headline as short as that.

A semi-famous hero might get more cooperation than a PI.

- I had started to think that Nora’s problem with Iris was that Iris didn’t support her daughter being queer, annnnnnnnnd seeing this scene play out it may be an analogy for that.

And now that time has passed since that story, certain viewers might actually admit that that happened.

This reminds me of why I get annoyed by audio-only clips of comedy shows. There’s always some point where you can tell that you’re missing a visual part of the performance.

Thank you for making me aware that that is actually a person’s name.

She seemed to do sass relatively well on True Blood.

The will to win? The way things work?

Sometimes they go with the 4+ brothers explanation.

Good points, i’d forgotten about Tylin.

They can, but then people bitch and moan about Trek not being 100% the same as the last Trek show that they liked.

To some extent all of the main three had their issues with women in their stories but I would say the ones about control and manipulation were mostly in Rand’s story, and those were usually about the core problem of Aes Sedai not trusting men who could channel or that one Forsaken who wanted to revert him back into

I get why people give Jordan flack for giving Rand multiple partners. It feels like people don’t give him credit for writing women who kept their own goals and weren’t afraid of butting heads with the protagonist instead of writing the more typical fantasy love interests who only exist in service of the protagonist