BaaBaa Black

I saw it more on ESPN than on any other network. I’m pretty sure I saw it while watching The Daily Show, but I watch the 1 A.M. repeat.

This does not sound like a movie that deserves a C.

He lost the ability to use it for a yet to be explored reason during last season’s finale.

Put some respek on Alpha Flight’s name.

Except someone would still find exception with that as well. There is jack shit else a cop can do after a crime, in terms of attempting to offer verbal reassurance for the public, other than reiterate basic safety info. Reading victim blaming into that is just batshit.

Hm. I thought Hartley Sawyer was Pied Piper’s real name.

Counter-counterpoint: He was just as unbearably smug when being interviewed by others and when he hosted the Late Late Show.

If you think Klepper is more smug than Kilborn then I think you need to rewatch anything Kilborn.

Yep. Half of why I found their need to have Supes state emphatically that Kara beat him when he was at his best was that it is fairly impossible to buy into mind controlled anybody being at their best. Or that he was mind controlled enough to be unable to stop himself from attacking but lucid enough to assess the

Earth 2 Ollie presumably died in the life raft en route to Lian Yu since Ollie’s Dad was revealed as Earth 2 GA on a newscast shown during Barry’s first trip there.

Damn. People acting like just acknowledging that Kim K got something done is gonna kill them. Yes, she wasn’t the only one to push for this and yes it was thanks to those efforts that she made the push that she did. But she did it. Give credit and stop giving bullshit.

People being nice to others tends to lend to their personal ability to feel good. If you’re going with the logic the you should sideeye all kindness,you should never accept kindness from anyone because it will always be about their benefit.

Its frustrating for me to see people bring up the idea of blaming whatever celeb had the most recent non-confrontational contact with Trump for attempting to ‘legitimize’ him.

“Scratching” a CD of Penguin’s recording...

Correct. She started off using traps and trickery to make people think she caused bad luck before later getting a real bad luck power pushed on her.

It would be fun though. More people flooding a twitter account with complaints that unironically equate being anti-nazi with being anti-conservative.

Celtics v Warriors would have been very one-sided and ugly as hell. The Cs matched up well enough with the Cavs to have a series. That won’t happen against the Warriors.

This is why you put a thick wad of tissue over the presumed corpse, apply firm uniform pressure with your foot, and wipe up the goo for flushing.

So LeBron’s worst public move was the one where he turned media attention into $6 mil for charity. That says a lot right there.

If you’re willing to force yourself through Shadowhunters, you can see her there as this season’s villain.