BaaBaa Black

But what about cousin Daisy?

Can’t see it.

Um...I think a lot of people would find that distinction you’re making a very bizarre hair to split.

You would be a prick too if someone decided to dick you over after making an agreement to do things a certain way. More so if it involves coming home to find them picking through your stuff.

The approach i’ve seen that I think works is to refer to Bruce only when discussing that Olympic past and anything regarding Jenner’s present is about Caitlyn.

Ah ha! That’s the movie that I vaguely kinda recalled seeing part of on Showtime once around twenty years ago that this reminded me of!

Had to laugh at that first point. I think a teacher read us that one when I was in the 4th grade.

That’s fine. TBH my comment was more about your question wrt the trans community rather than Jenner specifically anyway, so i’m not here to defend her.

Insisting that you can deadname a person in the Trans community because they’ve broken the law is like thinking you’re allowed to say n***** because a black guy broke the law.

Upvoting for the unintentional redneck stereotyping.

No shit.

Burger for me as a doughnut with hands sounds terrifying.

Its hurtful because of the insistence on connecting someone with an identity that they never considered theirs.

You should try reading the article.

I remember Vasquez speaking once.

I don’t think its as audible in-universe as it is for us but its a necessary step for her ability.

I think its more likely that the sisterhood is restored or will be on track towards restoral by the end of S3.

Having a character keep things internal works well in books but is fairly impossible to make work for extended screen time. I think they did a great job in finding a way to get us in Frank’s head with the dreams, but I still doubt that the show can keep it going without it wearing as thin as Oliver’s flashbacks on

Hoag had an okay script. Turco had little to work with as the sequels really didn’t treat April like a character that mattered from what I recall.

I think of Drizzt as the original ridiculous DeviantArt OC.