BaaBaa Black

Putting someone in the box was probably Jonah attempting to bring a new threat to the table. Fuck up enough and he’ll just use them as fuel.

They answered pretty much all of your first group of questions back when they had the flashback to the first Pride meeting.

Also multiple scenes from GoT.

What do you think people are being revisionist about regarding Marcel? I haven’t read anything here that isn’t in line with what I experienced watching that season.

They were reprimanded once their behavior reached the point of physical assault, and that assault was why Cliff was kicked off. Things were toxic well before it got to that point.

Fair, but I think that there tends to be an assumption that he was attempting to denigrate Stephanie and her win when he has never said that she didn’t earn her win, just that he failed horribly.

Explain how he couldn’t handle it please.

Right, because thinking about your loss in terms of your own failure instead of another’s victory is apparently the worst thing you can possibly do.

You sure there isn’t an element of confirmation bias happening here? There have been a number of contestants who have spoken positively about her food knowledge as well.

Not that amazing. The people who buy into that garbage just hear the term ‘un-american’.


If you try to upvote someone on a page that you loaded, I would guesstimate based on experience, over 20 mins ago then the page will glitch like that. Only solution so far is reloading the page.

Can anyone clarify why they needed the guard’s credentials for info on the power substation? Did I miss a Trask logo on that place?

He was quoting/referencing Cap from Avengers...or maybe Winter Soldier.

I just want them to get rid of the one on Supergirl. Benoist’s weird inflection choice when she says Superman or Supergirl grates on my nerves every time.

The breaking of time was caused by Sara making the team go back to a place they already visited.

Regardless of her motivations, she was murdering people. Even if you’re cool with that, the people she was murdering were at most guilty of having possession of artifacts of her people.

Thanks for that link.


And sometimes he goes next level with it and mixes in an ‘uh huh’ or a ‘take dat’.