BaaBaa Black

I was referring specifically to the way people tend to decide very quickly that someone is guilty when sexual assault accusations come up.

When the guys have to deal with people convicting them as soon as the accusation is launched, it is indeed a horror.

Spoiler tags.

The show never used white and power in the same sentence. He was just "The White Ranger".

Didn't that movie also have Mariska Hargitay as some kind of priestess?

Cleaning toilets > Hanging out with people who bathe in human jizz concentrate

Jupiter Ascending was a bit of editing away from being a good movie. Remove the narration and replace the pointless fake marriage bit and it becomes much better.

I wonder how Tracy would feel about the theory that Teen Wolf is an allegory for the fetishization of being black in America?

I've enjoyed pretty much every ep over the last few years.

Discussion posts get a dash mark. Reviews get grades.

I think its fair for her to be bothered by that. In any other finale all of a chefs dishes are judged, and in a number of them a chef that lost multiple courses managed to turn things around once the judges tasted their full menu. Kristen earned her win, but losing in a way that doesn't give you a chance to show the

I do not know or care about what you're presuming.

Looks like there are four of us.

So…are we ever going to get to the point where these write-ups aren't about the continuing obsession this site has with YouTube troll complaints?

Some muslim women choose to dress that way because they feel that it prevents others from judging them by looks instead of by character.

Unless mother Luthor revealed the secret of Lena's actual parentage to Lex, he probably didn't know that he shared DNA with Lena.

I have a sister that picks crullers apart that way.

Since Brooke and her husband run their various businesses together, its probable that he thought it better to send his sister-in-law for that kind of event.

I remember Dennis Miller summarizing his role in The Net as 'The guy who comes in at the mid-point of the movie, recaps everything, then dies.'

Ramirez conferred that ability upon Connor by telling him to call out for him when he needed him. Apparently some unwritten rule allows it to be done exactly once.