BaaBaa Black

I really liked the stuff with the hippo wesen reveal. It's nice to see one of the WotW's rampages get stopped by picking the wrong victim, and also nice to see a wesen outside of the regulars and recurring characters see Nick as a non-threat.

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Sam was in the final four in S2 with Marcel and he was one of Marcel's sous during the finale.

Pretty sure she said that this is her last TC an ep or two ago.

Agree on number 3. I'd rather they didn't do them this late, but if they're going to keep doing it I would prefer that way.

I feel like Brooke and Sylva both failed to meet the challenge criteria. Even if his dish was perfect it was still salmon and a frittata.

Could they tell you how it compared to the Dunkin Donuts version?

Mother and father of all understatements there.

M.A.N.T.I.S. was awesome. The only other thing I remember falling as much in love with back then was a TV movie superhero team…I think it was called Chameleons or something. Then after a wide margin was SuperForce and Superboy.

Is Gert in the pic at the top? I wonder because none of the ladies up there appear to be plus sized.

They've also had a character introduced in the show die in a movie and vice versa.

Stein had every reason to believe Thawne was gone for good. If he hadn't been present for the end of the group theorizing session it probably never would have occurred to him.

The nose ring is new. Septum piercings = pure evil.

And how, in briefing
Black Siren, did Prometheus know about the Waverider and its crew? That
can't be common knowledge.

Based on the Doc's explanation from way back when, its more likely that the line meant that they are descendants of a member of Rittenhouse like all of the other members.

If she just saw it, sure. But she made physical contact with the thing that she saw.

I doubt Padma and Gronk were ever a thing. I remember Gronk looking like he was very confused by Padma's flirting during the quickfire in that ep. I'm guessing her interest was on camera only.

Using someone's pain to your advantage isn't really feeling their pain.

They dumped the bodies down the shaft with plans of moving the bodies to a nearby sewer line or some other water source and floating the corpses that way. I think we can assume that the final part is already done.