As noted elsewhere, the judges have been consistent about treating failures of planning as worse than failures of execution.
As noted elsewhere, the judges have been consistent about treating failures of planning as worse than failures of execution.
It was only live for the judging, I think.
Kevin's win gets more crap than it should. He was pretty much a middle of the pack guy but people talk like he snuck onto the plane for the finals.
Its fully possible for Stephanie to have been great and also to have benefited from her main rival figuratively shitting the bed.
Are you sure Blais said that? I recall him saying he choked away the finals his first time around, which is true.
Newt Gunray was topical?
Thank you for the emotional support.
When I hear lyrics like that I just assume that the singer forgot the words and started stalling by naming things in their line of sight or started doing word association.
The label on the cartridge is what I go by. Always.
I will always call the games by their US release numbers. Not my problem that Square went with two sets of names.
I think it puts some of their journey into a new context. It also makes me wonder when Murphy became aware of it. Was it back when he had to protect the group from the Znami? When they were with the Mexican cartel?
Yeah, she was slimmer back in her season. The main things I recall about her are that she served a chicken dish that used wine in a school lunch challenge (where the chefs were being judged by fifth or sixth graders iirc) and that she was/is romantically involved with the alleged pea puree thief after their season…
That moronic scene where Wilddog goes from hating metas to respecting them in the space of five mins made me wonder about that.
Steinpoint sounds like some kind of oktoberfest related time travel thing.
I could buy that. Too bad the show hasn't bothered to put forth any logic explaining the choice.
Post-Flashpoint Iron Heights seems to hold all the super-powered criminals now. The STAR Labs cells are for temporarily insane friends it seems.
"Plus the weird insistence on making kryptonians inherently vulnerable to mind control and magic"
When was Sara in a fridge?
I'm pretty sure the daughter said that Clarissa was out when Stein asked for her.