BaaBaa Black

When did Atlanta change states?

Twins separated at birth…Which reminds me, didn't they imply that there was a third sister? Or did I dream that?

Can't be any worse than an ep of The Glades where the bad guy of the week decided to list the features of the car that the undercover cop picked him up in.

If she was talking to the old lady after she was locked up wouldn't she have just told her she wanted out or just ask her to light the Brianne Signal?

But it is really a positive change if the takeaway is "Let's keep making minor changes to white groups and call it diversity instead of making movies that are focused on a non-white hero or group"?

Do you think the differences between black people and white people in the US is solely defined by the likelihood of being a rapper?

And general bitterness that we're seeing an effort to change the race of a single character in a white group instead of a movie about one of the many non-white heroes.

I think we're arguing different things. I'm a fan of the actor. I'm not a fan of what feels like an attempt to broaden demographic appeal by swapping a black guy in and also feels like a way for the producers and whoever to give themselves credit for forward thinking when they really aren't.

When you make a change in the character that is largely irrelevant, since white JS and black JS will probably be written 100% the same, it reeks of fake diversity. For me it feels like they found a way to get away with using blackface by swapping in a black face.

The second half of your statement works as an argument against the change. If the change is largely irrelevant then why even do it?

"You say that I'd "rather shit on a problem than understand it." What is the "problem" I'm shitting on? The hurt feelings of angry white comic book fans? I guess I can live with that."

For me its more being annoyed at ham-handed attempts at diversity more than the actual casting choices. Never had a dog in the Elba/Heimdall fight though. Might be the fact that I never followed Thor enough to care about the other Norse gods.

That's more of a John Singleton move.

I remember the DW series because of that scene. It left a young me very confused about why spray paint was a sex toy.

I agree in principle with the idea that this is bullshit but it makes me remember the first time I saw Maggie Gyllenhaal. It was in a movie whose title I forget around 12 or 13 years ago and I thought she was 40ish.

I really wish people would stop beating the "it wasn't in the books" dead horse. Every one from the show runners to GRRM have been upfront about the two formats diverging. If you only want book content then you need to stick to the books, otherwise you need to learn to accept that the TV show is a different variation

You don't watch Sleepy Hollow I guess.

His name is Meisner and MBeaver is more or less correct about his role in things. He also helped deliver Diana.

Carter uses brute force but in smart ways. She never tries to trade blows with anyone, instead she usually blitzes them then grabs the nearest thing she can use as a weapon to knock them out or make them focus on some other injury she inflicted, and then starts hitting them in the face again.

To say Sansa's new arc has been ruined implies that becoming tougher and stronger should mean horrible things can no longer happen to you. That is a very naive way of thinking. The nature of the world Sansa occupies has not changed even if she has.