BaaBaa Black

Maybe gravity is the MCU version of the neuralyzer.

You should definitely try SR2. IMO it was better than SR:TT.

The baby being royal may have shaped the ritual, but her entire deal with the gypsy woman was "you get me my powers back, then you get my baby." Adalind only broke the deal when Renard contacted her and warned her that Viktor knew she was the one selling a royal child and would likely be making a move to take the baby

I'm pretty sure Hexenbiest's have succubus-like skills. I can recall Sean's now dead brother speaking wistfully about missing out on getting busy w/ Adalind while she had her powers during their affair (which probably isn't the right word but i'm not calling -that- a relationship).

The baby was her funding for the ritual. She was basically offering to exchange the baby for help in restoring her abilities.

I think the work from home spammers' schemes will work out before Adalind's.

Air Bud takes exception with this statement.

Some of his abilities did seem to be in-line with what a grimm can do, but the complete lack of any kind of reaction from Renard while in woge during the fight makes me think otherwise.

Yes and yes. They seem to reproduce by being sexual assaulted sadly enough.

For me, her anger going from where it was last ep to where it was this ep is what felt off. It felt like it ramped up to a degree that didn't make any sense from where we were.

Heh. Probably.

Maybe it means Claire has latent frog princess-ness.

My issue is that it made me start trying to figure out how any attacker survived the toxin long enough to get any of the frog princesses pregnant.

True. We still don't know if Royal just means royalty or if there's something more.

Juliette spends less time at work than Homer Simpson.

That is possible. I think Adalind's homicidal rage at Juliette can be chalked up to anger at losing a fight to a barely trained part-time vet though.

I would hope he has "something" given his insistence on picking a fist fight there. Probably something unique to his part of the family tree since its a mystery to Renard.

That entire fight reminded me of the old 80s/90s thing where the established badass fighter gets beaten up by the usually blonde and usually rich kid. Not sure if that is good or bad yet.

I did like the change in pace Kenneth brought to the story but i'm finding it curious that he chose to pick a fist fight w/ Renard. I know a half-Zauberbiest isn't an ogre(or whatever its german name is) but it seems questionable to choose going hand-to-hand in that situation.

Pretty much all labels of this type are online shorthand ways to dismiss an argument by reducing it to a form of stereotype. The problem here is that many have come to think its acceptable as long as you're making fun of a group you think its fair to deride, and now any time we have a topic like this a sizeable chunk