For the remainder of the preseason, Nagy will make Long barf on the exact same spot of the field until he gets it right.
For the remainder of the preseason, Nagy will make Long barf on the exact same spot of the field until he gets it right.
Out of respect, all local Taco Bells have ordered their flags to be flown at half más
I don’t know. In order to be famous somebody would have to be able to recognize your face, right? Well, just try to get somebody to accurately depict the prophet Muhammad. All of a sudden everybody’s memory gets real foggy.
I must have been on the cusp of a cycle or a no-hitter during my entire baseball career as a kid because none of my teammates ever spoke to me.
Dude looks like if Troy Aikman’s son was a high school wrestler.
This headline would be so much better if only his name were Chris Haddock
It is imperative that you stay true to your religious beliefs so that God will allow your unvaccinated children into heaven
Would the Mecca of the world...not be Mecca?
LeBron still owes big z a title
This is why I never go to EDM festivals.
Needs a Lamborghini? If only he had been on the Edens on the evening of August 27, 2007.
What if I dont want to look Slavic?
What if I dont want to look Slavic?
For $880+, you may be more comfortable just buying a 1st class ticket.
For $880+, you may be more comfortable just buying a 1st class ticket.
CB Bucknor is a terrible ump. Not as bad as Angel Hernandez (no one is), but pretty bad.
The Truth hurts.
In the psuedo-professional football system, Manziel based offenses are considered especially heinous.
In the AAF, the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups. The players who were suckered into wasting months of their life, and the owners who will somehow cash out and profit on an obvious disaster. These are their stories.
Lebron said he was activating playoff mode, but he failed to mention he was activating J.R. Smith playoff mode.