
What the fuck does Enix have to do with anything? They were their own company back then.

I can’t think of a series that so thoroughly wore out it’s welcome as this piece of shit right here.

Go to Starbucks and take a sip then, you lazy piece of fucking shit.

Not gonna lie, I can read so I didn’t read it as that.

That lack of response means that you’re a fucking turd. Nice try though, turd.

Are you retarded?

Sorry, but I’m not here to replace the fucking elementary school education that you drooled through. Suffice to say, unless there’s a fucking gas leak already, smoking at a gas pump will do 100% of jack fucking shit.

Sorry I should have been more specific. You have to actually understand the words and not be a full fledged drooler.

Misleading comment. Change to: I’m too fucking lazy to actually read the article but am going to pretend to know what I’m talking about anyway.

I was really confused at first.


As opposed to the 0% responsible he is now?

Are you used to looking at a video and seeing something that’s not there? Because you’re either blind or stupid (Just kidding, I know it’s stupid).

10x times more fun with sound. Then you realize what a self-interested douche the driver really was. Didn’t give a shit about anyone or anything until it was his own property at stake.

You’re crossing the road in this scenario. You might consider giving a fuck about the drivers that don’t slow down.

And nothing happened, did it? Because that’s not the way gas works, you fucking idiot.

Story just makes you sound like a moron who doesn’t know how fire/gas actually works.

Came for the piece of human debris faking outrage.

Sounds like a personal problem, no?

Visiting a video game gossip blog while trying to avoid spoilers was a shit-fuck-tarded thing to do.