
If you don’t count her loudly flapping her gums on the teevee promoting Obama birtherism, dismissing and defending her husband’s admission of sexual assault, suing internet nobodies for saying mean things about her, threatening to sue her supporters for saying nice things about her, and cavalierly costing taxpayers

Aside from her fictional college degree and the plagiarized speech- which, I suppose, are small potatoes in the scheme of things.

#12 “I was riiight on the fence of caring about black people but since my feelings got hurt online, they’re on their own” guy

Someone was mean to you on the internet so now you don’t care about racism?

If someone making fun of you makes you stop caring about an entire race of people, you never cared about them in the first place. Fuck off racist asshole.

If being the butt of a joke makes you not want to be a decent person, then you were never a decent person to begin with.

Almost like the first step isn’t to call yourself an ally.

News flash, asshole: if something this minor makes you decide to “stop being a good person”, you were never a good person. You were never an ally, you were never decent, and you were never not a racist.

For starters, don’t come into a Black-oriented forum and complain that the articles don’t speak directly to you.

#8.5: The “if you’re not talking directly to me and giving me specifically individualized instructions on not being a piece of shit, then you’re being counterproductive and I’m just going to keep being a racist (but I always was going to just keep being a racist anyway)“ guy.

This is your daily reminder that it is American as fuck to punch the shit out of scumbag Nazis.

There’s having an opinion on something, and then there’s investing your self-worth into something then having it feel like a personal insult whenever someone criticises that thing.


The behavior speaks volumes about their lack of defense. The administration has issued nothing but blanket denials and red herrings. If they had a shred of actual defense they’d trot it out by now.

You read it? I only read the headline before I scoffed and came straight to the comments to see who else thought this was ridiculous.

Shit man. Theres some writers out there who can’t find a job and to them I say this. If Nick Douglas can get paid to write dumb two bit shit like this then so can you.

Well, this is the dumbest article I’ll bother reading today.

WTF, no opinion on diagonal staples? So much better, and less chance of tearing.

As the owner of over ten thousand books that I’ve had to haul around for decades, I adore my Kindle.

Ever been to Ross? Women clamouring for discounted dresses and shoes, running all over the place. Knocking into you as you’re being dragged around. I have seen a legit fist fight between two girls there and then the two boyfriends fought. It was awesome.