This is a shitty time to be alive in America. Never thought I would live through a country falling apart.
This is a shitty time to be alive in America. Never thought I would live through a country falling apart.
There you go. Fixed the typo in your headline. You’re welcome.
I’m not going to click on that.
Well, that’s just, like, you’re opinion, man.
It makes me happy that they are unhappy. I don’t care if that makes me a shitty person.
Agreed. I do not want any of them to die young; I want all of them to live long, long, healthy lives. I want these treasonous scum to live with crystal-clear mental faculties so they can experience every drop of the sneering hatred the world has for them.
I fucking hate everybody in this administration and I can’t wait for them to live out the rest of their lives in disgrace.
What AC/DC is “getting away with” is rock and roll. It’s preserved in amber like one of those Jurassic Park skeeters. God bless ‘em.
Because he’s a fucking coward
Nothing in life would ever make me happier than to see this man (and everyone even remotely similar to him, or worse) suffer for every awful thing they’ve done. I don’t care if it’s by karma, some divine intervention, just stupid coincidental dumb luck - if Trump doesn’t someday get what he deserves for being a…
Christ, what an asshole!
I’m sorry, maybe you missed it...but a rich person with poor manners has an Instagram account and spoke down to someone! An. Instagram. Account.
Our legal system is the worst one out there — if you ignore everything that came before it.
No, this was calculated and on purpose. Per Slate: “To recap: During a stretch where the President of the United States has stepped in white supremacist quicksand and spoken breezily about nuclear war, Bannon gives an “interview” outside of the normal mélange of media outlets, and well beyond the far-right press. In…
mars bars (TRUE mars bars, the american ones, now called ‘snickers almond’) are ~exceptional~ and put regular snickers to shame
Immaculate Inception, amirite
Fat, dumb and deluded is no way to go through a Presidency son.
A slow-building routine, but you nailed the landing. 9.6
Because that’s what you do when you’re ‘Twitter tough’—you whine, pout, and blame others for your overall shittiness because you don’t even have the strength to accept responsibility for yourself.