whaaa happened?

I had to submit a school application that was due the day the entire East Coast was shut down from a blizzard. I called the office and begged them for another day, as there was no post, no Fed Ex, no UPS, no earthly way for me to get this application to them save renting a car and driving 12 hours in a blizzard.

I saw Nancy Pelosi at a party while she was still Speaker and Obamacare was still being debated. I bounced up to her with a whole planned speech about the need for single payer, but once I actually got introduced all I could do was gush and tell her that I cried when I heard W say “Madame Speaker” at the start of his

This is the sort of thing that makes me really admire the work that models do. To appear in public in that outfit with any degree of self-possession is amazing.

Well, that IS a catwalk-approved look.

Have you tried just conditioner? That’s all I use.

Young men cause a lot of misery in the world.

The butt in the picture, their best sample butt, is not even symmetrical...seems like you’d want to stay ass far away from that as possible.

Michael Chabon has a book of essays on fatherhood, and in one of them he talks about how whenever he goes out with his kids, like say to the grocery store, he gets all kind of head-petting for being an awesome dad... which his wife never gets in the same situation. We really do have low expectations of men.

Um, what? You actually want to support people whose time and effort create work that you enjoy? I think you’re Internetting wrong. The proper approach is to insist that everything be free, because people can obviously pay their rent with upvotes.

Colorado. =)

Don’t be silly, using the Trail of Tears would be admitting that the genocide of the Indians was something to be ashamed about.

I’m just going to leave a link to this highly-recommended magazine. It has a CHEESE CENTERFOLD in each issue. http://culturecheesemag.com/

I’ve always dreamed of making a dinner entirely of cheese, and I finally got the chance— friend’s party, ample platter, dinner time, nothing else on offer, I went to town. Delish.

As the great grandchild of immigrants, I’m glad that the people who had this opinion in the late 1800’s didn’t win then, either.

My friend’s husband ran a restaurant that, except for the punching, basically did this. “Oh, you want the sauce without onions? Well, I created each recipe with the ingredients it has for a reason. You don’t like onions, get something else.”

Maybe they’re just not asking YOU out.

Is that cabinet behind Alex Truesdell made of cardboard boxes?

I will now brag about our god-dog (don’t ask), who is so well-mannered that you can set a plate of food down on the coffee table, wander into the kitchen to get something else, find your phone on the counter, remember that you need to play a move in Scrabble, follow up with some quick news reading, and finally wander

I do this too. My favorite is to tell them I just have to go find my credit card, then I just set the phone down and walk away for 10 minutes or so. Then I read off some bullshit numbers until they get so frustrated they start to yell. Then I scream at the top of my lungs and hang up.

I went on a pre-wedding dinner cruise that was so unseasonably, brutally cold that we ended up draping table cloths around the tiny, frail MOB and holding her for warmth. But we still smiled and told the bride it was bracing and delightful.