whaaa happened?

Original Grimm’s tales are insane. In their version of Cinderella, the stepmother and stepsisters go to Cinderella’s wedding to the prince and are made to dance in iron shoes on a red hot floor until they fall down dead. I remember reading that as a child like... 0_o

Well, I started about 15 years ago.

Troof. She’s going to keep soldiering along until he dumps her or dies; that’s the only way she gets $$$ and justifies the years spent having sex with a walking butt pimple.


I’m in a board game club in Silicon Valley. I can assure you that fedora-wearing neckbeard guy can absolutely get a girlfriend.

Maybe you’re thinking of dap?

And her little sister is sooooo excited! So much love.

The “Just keep talking as if they never opened their mouths” is quite effective, especially combined with a little “cease your flow of shit” hand motion.

Except for the guy she drove to suicide.


But most people aren’t terrible to each other. Most people are good, kind, considerate and thoughtful. It’s just the tiny % who are assholes have an outsize effect on the comfort and happiness of the rest.


I hear ya. My MIL is also a hoarder, although she is also insanely organized and clean, so things are still at the state of being neat and presentable... just DENSE. So dense. And she keeps buying and buying and buying, even as her money dwindles to nothing. Nothing will convince her that she doesn’t need more

That won’t work. Because after the election you either have Trump as president, or 4-8 years of misogyny in overdrive.

^ funnier than anything Ann Coulter said, by a LOT.

But I thought it was the Democratic Convention where he banged the 16 year old?

Ann Taylor, man. I realized my business wardrobe was crap and went in there and got 10 pairs of pants and 10 tops that all went with each other, and have been wearing those mo-fos to every business-related thing for the past 12 years. I call them the work Garanimals.

Actual greeting from my uncle to me (who had flown 2K miles to celebrate his 80th birthday): “How are all you feminazis doing out there in Berkeley?” (I live in Palo Alto.) Me: “Great! Just waiting for all the crusty old racists to die so we can take over.”

But you know, the grandparents actually might be kindly in the presence of an actual black person. I spent part of my youth in Louisiana, and I was always amazed how people could be all Southern graciousness to individual black people and then turn around and say how disgusting niggers were. It requires impressive

Eh. She reminds me of a 10-year-old kid I encountered in an after-school tutoring program, who sought to shock me by saying, “You have nice titties.” I just rolled my eyes and ignored him.