May he.
May he.
I grew up in the US in a, I guess, typical ‘shoes-on’ house (not so much in winter though). Never thought twice - I didn’t clean floors much - as it was easy and convenient.
Who the fuck waltzes into someone’s house with shoes on? Do you all live in barns? How is this even up for debate? Why would you even want to wear shoes in a house? The best thing about getting home is taking those fuckers off, no matter how comfy your shoes may be.
Only guy in that room with a suit on that fits
Yes, my floor is clean.
Because I don’t allow people TO WEAR SHOES ON IT.
Question: why would you ever want to wear shoes around your house? Shoed feet are never more comfortable than be-socked(or -slippered) feet, unless you happen to be walking around on jagged stone or something like that. Are the floors in your house made of jagged stone?
Hate accepted. Wear your shoes on the bed, too, because that’s a thing shoes-always households do. It’s like being a nevernude.
The average amount of guns owned by a single gun owner in the US is apparently 8. EIGHT. Why does anyone need eight guns? Even if you’re a John Woo character you can still only use two effectively at any given time.
I hate him.
I still haven’t forgiven you for deciding that “more than” and “over” are basically synonymous, AP Stylebook.
I despise the Pioneer Woman because she seems so fake. P
We’re trying to get some socialism, but stupid people keep ruining it!
Because unless you’re planning to have more than two children (which seems insane in 2015), you’d have to make less than like $25,000 a year for it to be more expensive to work than to pay for center based daycare (average cost in the US is less then $12k per year per child). That does describe the situation of many…
I know people who are very explicitly planning their families so they don’t have more than one child in daycare at a time. Given their ages, this means quite a few of them are having one child instead of two or two children when their ideal family size was more like three.
I will speak only for myself.
Honest question: Isn’t this misdirected outrage? It seems like this “victory” is one only in the most symbolic form. The actual goal, ending racism at Missouri (and everywhere), seems unobtainable, so instead take down the figurehead of the institution. I understand that he did not handle these incidents well, but the…