Uff da


I’m not crying, you’re crying.

Adrian Peterson is a Saint and Deadspins readers all over are rioting.

Some might say that this wasn’t a very SMART movie on his part.

It’s not like the kid could choose his dad. Leave him alone.

You can’t re-bottle Pappy and I thought any kid with a Trapper Keeper (with the velcro) had more money than I could ever dream of.

Hey man, don’t have 48 pounds of meth.

I was going to go with human penis.

Came here for this and also to say, fuck you Chad.

He isn’t fucking any mothers anytime soon.

That island of hair on the front of his head makes me all twitchy.

Hey Sea Salt, please go ahead a fuck off.

At least they had their cousins to go home to.

The real question is, can I somehow have an untimely death in South/Central America?

I don’t get it. Please explain.

That is a very good doggie.


Damnit, just wrote the same comment and am now looking like a asshole.

Rectum? Damn near killed em!

What’s a fake high school game?