
From a thermal efficiency standpoint there is just a massive amount of heat loss from the combustion cycle that no amount engineering will be able to make up.

It’s “ringer” in Newspeak.

Free rent is the key factor.  Otherwise it doesn’t work out.

Or Lincoln?

.drawrof gniog did ti taht derussa m’I ,sdrawkcab gniog esnes lacigol sekam ti fI )?! tniop morf wollof yllacigol B tniop seod( tnemucod tnatropmi na s’ti fi ,yaw taht gnitirw nwo ym fo tol a nacs od yllaer I .gninnigeb eht drawot krow dna noisulcnoc eht morf trats lla dluohs seivom taht snaem taht os sdrawkcab sgniht

Nah, I read boustrophedonically.  One direction is as good as another.

“Bloody hell mate, she rubbed up against me and I couldn’t help but chizza!”

Well, you need some container to hold your Cabbage Patch Kids.

It’s an amazing mechanism.

They also a remarkably bad turning radius.

It’s called torrenting down the stream.  VPN and fuck everybody.

Grandpa, no.

Fart pipes.

Just torrent the video, which is a appalling if you you have to pay for it.  Fuck Amazon and fuck ads. Not gonna do it.

They would be!  I’d line-up for those.

German engineering:  why make it simple when you can make it complicated.

After a 30-minute wait”


Vichyssoise has, as its name suggests, distinctly French roots, but its soul belongs to Manhattan. The dish was created by a chef named Louis Diat, who modeled it after a beloved leek and potato soup his doting mother made him as a boy growing up in Montmarault, France. In 1910, the 25-year-old Diat moved

I briefly took control of a duck boat in Boston Harbor. (With permission!)