
That Polo “ad” was terrible and racist.

They meant to check the “active aero” box but checked the “active ugly” one instead.

So have Trump sent to Guantanamo. Why not? That’s what those assholes just ruled. And all of them, the fake justices, just to balance things out.

Eggs, omletes, etc.


Yeah, the whole phone thing...

I would spend $10,000 to drive this car for a day.

Don’t think Lucid is a good idea.  They’re all going to brick within a few years.

Not a great way to get into the record books: first human to drown in space.

They may not be able to fit through the hatch.

170 HP?!?  Only if it comes with a balaclava, so no one sees me in it.

The wicked over-heater series.

This literally has asshole written all over it. I’m 60, the last of the Boomers, and this is fuck-terrible.

God, came to say the same thing!

We need a TikTok channel that targets “influencers”... with a humiliating public event.

Marquis de Sade and a world-renowned weirdo

But if you actually listen to the words coming out of his mouth and remember that presidents didn’t used to speak like this, it’s pretty stunning.

Now playing

Two sources familiar with the technology told CNBC that among its challenges, it had issues interpreting different accents and dialects, which affected order accuracy.

Well, technically speaking, modern broken clocks aren’t right even once a day. There’s no display, no listed time.

(Ooooh, you mean the thingy with HANDS!)

and shave.

There isn’t one.  It’s a beach, let them walk a beat.  If there’s an emergency, call one in.