A fuckin’ block, really?
A fuckin’ block, really?
a nominee for FBI chief whom Musk vocally supported and who has repeatedly vowed to pursue Trump’s enemies, one current and three former DOJ officials said.
That was my take as well. Nothing I’d ever drive, but it looks like a lot of utility for the money.
He’s 6' 1" at most (and he wears lifts).
Amber is right.
NASA’s iconic Space Shuttle is arguably one of the best things America has made thanks to its sleek looks, its use in the launch of the International Space Station and its contribution to our understanding of the cosmos through the countless satellites it launched into orbit.
Don’t play with your food.
I miss my 1971 Adriatic Blue Super Beetle. 135K miles in New England and then it rusted away...
Yeah, painted-over corrosion is still corrosion.
Yes. How do you enforce such a statute? If they make unicorns illegal, are they going to arrest everyone riding a horse?
The deal is actually worth around $100 billion now.
That is the stupidest vehicle I have seen in a long long time and that includes the Cy***f**k.
I would just punch the fucker out. Fuck them. Hit them as hard as you can.
This from the company whose business model is to steal my tax dollars.
Just wave a bottle of Faygo around the truck and the magnets will “reset”.
Look at the incoming mis-adminstration’s “cabinet”. It’s simply chaos and misanthropy personified.
No, it’s not. There are other paths the could have followed. (Example:
One cycle per second?
Your statement is literally not true.
How can you cut Social Security? It’s a system we’ve all paid into. It’s solvent. It’s not a f******g “entitlement”.
To cut the program is theft, pure and simple.