
In fact, we now have a huge contingent of people around the world who do contrarian things simply for the sake of being a contrarian, to the extent that they do things that harm themselves or their descendants in the process.

Nose, say goodbye to face.

A nuclear device-dredged sea-level canal across Nicaragua is the only way to do it. The Panama Canal uses an insanely ingenious method of lakes and rain to lift and lower ships through all the locks. But it depends on a consistent natural rainfall cycle. Oh, well.

I think the only motorized bits are the “mules” that

2015 VW Sportwagen 6 spd turbo diesel.  $28K for $18K, 5 years 0.0% financing.  Not quite at 30K miles, 0 faults, paid for, 45 mpg around town.

The tension is what makes them ridiculous, because no one in history has been subjected to such contrived nonsense.

Mad Men is enjoyable because it is SOOO over the top.  Put your characters in a pressure-cooker and watch them pop.

The only thing holding this show back is that the stories were terrible.  Not just weak, but BAD.  They took a really fun crew and premise... and just wasted it.  I wanted this to work and it didn’t.

This brakes my heart!

I think that’s the right take. I have a 2015 VW “Cheating diesel” wagon, and I have a charger for it, since I don’t drive it every day.

Keep the machine topped-off and even a sludge-burner will start on the first try.

But that’s the point - high speed tracks shouldn’t have on-grade crossings.

Let them run at insane speeds. but not on the level.  Look at Train à Grande Vitesse.  No crossings at all.


Paying employees living wages?  Stop using federal tax dollars to subsidize their company?

Is it all on-grade?

Near Guest St.?  I used to work at WGBH.

I’d live there in a heartbeat. It’s a wonderful town.

I knew it! I’m in central Massachusetts but I’ve been to Edmonton several times.

Underground garages, a big elm (!) forest, and a (grudgingly) excellent hockey team. Oh, and parking meters that keep your diesel block warm.

Where in Alberta do you live?

None of these are cars.

Was waiting for that!  All the stars for you!