Did not know that. Thanks for the share Louie - interesting stuff.
Did not know that. Thanks for the share Louie - interesting stuff.
Rejected names for the German virus:
Can’t argue with the faux-computer stuff, but man, I loved this movie.
Thank you Paul. Just...thank you.
Why so serious? Also, they left out “Qu’est-ce que c’est.”
DUDE! Spit up my coffee when I saw this! Thanks for the laugh.
“Teal...pipe is...blocking path! Can’t...get...around...it!”
LOVE Harvey Birdmn. Birdmn. BIRDMN!
“GET...TO...DA...CHOPPAH...oh, Christ, forget it...”
I don’t know what context this is in re: Luke, but I laughed my silly ass off nonetheless.
I get where you’re coming from - some of us are fiercely protective of liking something before it was cool. However, the plus side is the work on the costumes is often amazing, and it DOES generate press in the mainstream media - so, there’s that.
Oh sweet Christ. Why not just replace Darth Vader with Khan?
Star Trek: Wrath of Lens Flares.
And it’s a bit past 8:30am, I’m at my desk in a well-lit office - and STILL unnerved. Feeling YOU Quantum!
I-5: The Quest for Calcium Supplements.
Admiral - well said. As a father of two teenaged daughters, I wrote off the first movie as angst-ridden ‘tween drama. Then, it came on one of the movie channels and I watched it and absolutely loved it. It was heavy - social status, bigotry, political corruption disguised as “doing what’s best for the people” - all…
Your words: “At this point we know nothing bad will ever happen to the Avengers, so all suspense is out of the door.” That’s not putting words in your mouth. That’s replying to your inane request to watch a movie (that, apparently, you paid for knowing full well what you were getting, based on your “we know nothing…
Damn - spit take with my coffee over here! Monty Python, yay!