
According to others reporting it (though I’m guessing more tabloid in nature given the choice of racier photos so pinch of salt) it was other mums reporting her.

ROFL...neighbors and parents “discovered” the site, huh? Any word on which dad or dads outed her to the rest? Jesus is fine with us LOOKING at OnlyFans, apparently...it’s only the posters who need to be kicked out. You couldn’t pay me to send my kids to a Catholic school. 

It’s a side effect of failing upwards through connections to the inbred aristocracy. Every empire goes through this right before their collapse.

Lauren Boebert is one of the countless republican elected officials who makes you stop and think, ‘wait, is she really that stupid, or is she just fuckin’ with us???’ Some of them are just disingenuous twats, but an increasing number (like her) are just deeply, breathtakingly stupid. I guess it’s a side effect of

Maybe. Went to. William Shatner. School. Of. Acting.

So, I thought the driver and codriver got fired for this, because it was some sort of joke video of the pair goofing off. But the real story involves jail time....

It’s a piece of stainless steel. The whole idea that steel reacts with the sulfur compounds, binding them to the steel, is bunk. The whole point of stainless steel is that it’s non-reactive (technically, that it’s very specifically reactive to oxygen, creating an atomically thin film of oxidation across the surface).

I can’t wait till we can drop drone tanks like that in the Mid East, kill all the caliphate princes and end this energy crisis. Then we won’t have to find oil and gas on Mars with all this “exploration of life” crap.

So he’s a romance option?

He didn’t notice the hastily made sign that said “Parking Spot Reserved for Putin Opposition”

To be fair, often the engineer knew about it and made it as good as they could, but the program manager/person with the money told them it was good enough.

Mine are frustrating because they should be simple (like 5 minutes total job simple).

That kind of stuff is surface details that often gets altered or replaced in renovations, though.

Maybe if you quit joking around and sent them serious questions they might respond?

I would only buy this if it got me out of the gray.

Nice, Lewis! You are the greatest Formula 1 driver of all time so use that position for change. If people don’t like that, they can go fuck their conservative, racist, twinkerbelle asses. Tough shit, eh, republicans?

Funny how people get up in arms when the Black driver doesn’t strike… and then say nothing about any of the others. If Black people could’ve solved racism on their own, we wouldn’t fucking be here now would we?

And they had time to make dinner plans before the car stopped moving.

My guess is that fairly hard curb check on the S turn a couple turns previously damaged the tire.

Still that is all terrifyingly fast, but I just spent a week racing the Ring in the skip barber car on iRacing, which is magnitudes slower than this thing lol.