
Kind of looks like Wipeout with cars.

As vampires on public funding, they’re an easy alternative for politicians who don’t want to do the hard work of improving public education.

You really have to be soulless to use your time running a union to jump to a private sector job working against the very institution you’re leaving. Not surprising though, as you learn more about his tenure.

This is a solid joke but I regret to inform you I said this first.

Isn’t an “Edison style” bulb, by definition, supposed to be made of stolen ideas?

Warren is my favorite Dem candidate this year (that has an actual chance to win), but I’d be OK with a Bernie run as well. I love Marianne Williamson and I’m glad she is still in the running, she is doing what Bernie did in 16 and bringing up issues the main candidates would rather not discuss. It will be interesting

Great to see Elizabeth Warren getting props on TheRoot. I’ve been open about Warren being my candidate and rooting for her to win the nomination. She has been consistently on message and explicitly supported things of interest to black folk. I like Sanders too but his appearance on Fox rubbed me the wrong way. Here’s

Oh...it gets worse...somehow

Receiving a Pell Grant is literally a requirement of Kamala Harris’s student debt forgiveness proposal, lmao.

I think we can agree that FAFSA is a trap and is meant to actually keep people from affording college, rather than the opposite. This system ultimately hurts low to middle income people the most.

Hello!...Is it me you’re looking for?

I don’t want to sound facetious, as your point is valid, but I have yet to hear one person argue that, in the face of persistent and continued armed robbery despite laws being on the books to prevent it for hundreds of years, that we should just abandon holders of money to their fate.

Those are strange looking white flags 

I can’t stand it! I know you planned it! 

The runner-up headline for this blog was Bison Yeets Child Into Oblivion

I believe the correct jargon used by the kids these days is, “yeet”

So, question: how did the sock drawer come to be set aflame?

That’s a rather unfortunate truncation of the title.