
I kinda looks like it may have slipped off the end support, look a the lean on that support in this photo. It’s hard to screw up a pre-stressed concrete bridge, they have been around for 100 years.

From initial photos, looks like one side of the supports collapsed and the rest of the bridge followed (there is no center support?). Hence why one side is more intact. This is a newer installation method where they build the bridge off site and assemble it quickly on site. First procedure was done outside Milwaukee,

Dan Guido should have shut the fuck up. Yes they are all real bugs, that require either physical machine or at a minimum admin or root access, at that point the machine is compromised anyway. He mentions this as a side note, while sensationalizing the storyline, likely to try and earn himself an extra 15 minutes of

Every single one of these requires either physical hardware access or at a minimum admin and root access. One of them literally needs you to replace the BIOS and change CPU microcode. This response from Linus Torvalds sums it up pretty well.

Sure if you have physical AND root admin access to the machine you can do whatever the F you want to it. At that point who cases if you can exploit the processor. You have everything. This is a hit job to make someone a lot of money on a short.

Be sure to drink your ovaltine?

Ya wanna know how I got these scars? My girl Lisa was a cheater and she tore me apart.

So what you’re saying is taking a group of individuals traditionally known for being socially awkward misogynists who have spent years competing in an environment where they had complete anonymity and could say whatever to whomever they please with little to no repercussions, and turning into celebrities overnight

If you buy a Subaru, and don’t cover it with bumper stickers, did you ever actually own a Subaru?

Those qualifiers point to two similar but different driving populations.

I think a lot of this is goes to how many modern women seem to have been conditioned by our culture to seek external validation over trusting themselves, something that social media has really heightened. It seems like many moms, especially new ones, feel they have to prove to their peers and other people that they

Republican in the front, skinhead in the back.

I understand why you’d value disclosure. Its unfortunate that there isn’t a safe method of disclosing vulnerabilities to “genuine” security folk rather than to the world. We see how fast we move from publish to pwn. Then again I guess that is only half step away from the zeroday market (which I am still in full

The reason why I moved to a no disclosure stance is because of fact. The fact is, as demonstrated by DBIR and other similar reports, that people don’t patch their systems in an effective manner. Many fail to patch quickly while others simply don’t patch at all. DBIR 2014 had stats that were something like 99.98% of

Don’t forget all those states who ban the offenders from voting also. Double whammy: keep it illegal and then make it more difficult to change the laws to make it legal.

That would be the most logical option...

Because a lot of states get a lot of money from the feds to combat Schedule I drugs, including marijuana. Removing marijuana from Schedule I would significantly impact that money for many states. Therefore, those states forcefully oppose this idea.

Because the private prison lobby wants to continue to jail non-violent pot holders to keep their profits rolling in.