
Member when the right weren’t a bunch of wounded snowflakes crying about every story that reflects poorly upon them?

... most likely money.

This’ll get me some flack because I’m seeing something other than how his words were (stupidly) structured, but I think he meant to include everyone in his statement about “ordinary Americans.” He tends to speak out against the millionaires, who are not ordinary, and he tends to contrast them with the rest of us who

No, no, it was a Nazi extermination camp. Adolph and his boys, Nazi’s all, thought up the whole thing and carried it out because THEY WERE NAZIS. The came to power on a “Make Germany Great Again” platform.

This is what the alt-right (neo-nazis) want. Rememeber that these people also have the support of the current US Government.

Fancy Kristen,

As a non-Pats fan, let me just say: fuck ALL of you Pats fans.

I think all of the criticisms of Pelosi are valid (or at least have some merit) except for one: Talking/Working with Trump. That’s her job. Activists, lay-citizens and pundits can hate and scream #neverTrump or whatever all day long but Pelosi, as a member of Congress has to engage with him in some way. I wish she

Interesting. This would seem to buttress panspermia theory as it suggests the nature of space automatically makes basic cells adapt themselves to be tougher.

All about that fivehead.

So I also posted this in the recap thread, but I don’t think Cleganebowl is going to be between the Hound and the Mountain. I think it’ll actually be between the Mountain and Brienne.

He would be if it came with banging a hot lady Sansa stark, who at this point would only accept a political marriage to a decent guy. Gendry is it if he becomes lord of the storm lands.

In my mind, the scenes between Arya and Sansa in the most recent episode set the stage for Littlefinger’s death. Sansa points out that Jon Snow could only win back Winterfell because she could call on the Vale for cavalry. Arya reveals her ability to steal the faces of the dead. The show places these facts in separate

Which makes it look all the worse for him. “She died in a fluke accident, so without notifying anybody, I buried her at sea without making any note of the coordinates where I dumped her. Then, later on, in an entirely unrelated fluke accident, the sub sank in a manner allowing me to escape safely. Then I lied about

A nation mourns.

Kingdom of Loathing has always been a personal favorite of mine, and I’m super happy to see another game set in the universe (especially one on steam)/

Reagan went well beyond that. He announced his Presidential run in a town central to segregation, and he spoke their language.