
And Helen Mirren as the brains of the outfit....

Waaaaaaaaay back when I was in a callcenter doing cancellations for Prodigy, shortly after they got the internet. I’d decided I was done being told Thursday when I was working the next week and rarely had the same shift 2 days in a row. It took a couple hours to work myself up to it but that was the day I told a

(shhhhhh nobody told him they twist off)

What!? I’ve gotta find this video.

I’m enjoying reading your views. I feel they closely parallel my own. That said, you’re wasting your finger strength and computer’s electrons trying to tell the pedantic morons here about the sometimes subtle differences between democracies, the socialist scale, and why a blend of the philosophies is the best possible

These engines go to 11.

Wow the most interesting thing to me is the ejection seat design! It appears that the seats convert into sealed pods either before, during or after ejection. I suppose this would be to protect the pilots in case of the need to eject at near or above supersonic speeds. Perhaps the pods act as miniature life boats as

You’re confusing the American definition of “liberal” with the political philosophy definition of “liberal,” which I already explained. Progressivism, which is really the term we ought to use, doesn’t just draw from socialism, it basically attempts to reform the system towards socialism. I think your word choices

Dude, I did my masters coursework in comparative government and political philosophy, with special emphasis on comparisons between the U.S., Australia, and Japan.

USN vet here and the older I get the more liberal/libertarian I become. It was the GOP who gutted the military while I was in and continue to block funding for veteran’s benefit increases. Conservative Republicans have pulled off an incredible acting performance by convincing so many people that they are the

Bah. I’m a socialist, and I also support an extremely robust naval service and air force. I see providing for robust defense as one of the ultimate examples of socialism: we all pitch in, either in money or service, for the good of the defense of all.

I’m not sure that’s true. The last Liberal and Conservative governments in Canada (neglecting Paul Martin, as he wasn’t in office long enough to make a judgement) do conform to that stereotype: under Harper, budgets grew and Canada adopted a more unilateral foreign policy, and it leveraged force; under Chretien,

LOL - you mentioning witchcraft reminded me of a story.

I used to work for a school district as Desktop/Network Support and one of my responsibilities was the computer lab at this middle school. I had one of the teachers (a deeply religious lady) call me up and say she thought one of the PCs was “haunted”. I laughed

I’ve been at my IT job for 11 years, and have luckily managed to avoid anything more malicious than just the usual small annoyances (users who blame anyone but themselves, people who want it fixed RIGHT THIS SECOND!, those that think computers are witchcraft, etc). But I’ve certainly had lots of fun moments:

I’ve been doing it for 15 and shit that I thought was unthinkably horrible a decade ago has become standard practice and isn’t even worth dwelling on these days.

Man, if your comment is to shit on another man’s pride and joy, you need to step up your comment game.

But I think the major issue with the code isn’t the readability-it’s the dependency issue and that it’s not clear that the function changes mtu.