
I managed to go to a decent school and had student debt under $30k by simply not registering for the draft. All that FAFSA shit goes out the window if you do that.

Came here for this. Was not disappointed.

Drumpf is going to run with this right along with the e-mails.

You know what’s really scary? Waking up in your your little tent that is now completely surrounded by bison.

That’s not a ring.... it’s a space station.

I think it should be the sawtooth bass line from Benny Benassi’s Satisfaction.

This is what I want as well.

It gets worse. I’ve been playing Bejeweled Lightning.

Riots will break out when they realize that there are no porta-potties.

Ah... I was wondering why it was giving me an erection.

I bought a 2010 a little over a year ago. The car has some silly (and even stupid) quirks, but overall it is the bee’s knees.

I guess I’m being pedantic, but I’m pretty sure the Evora GT4 is not normally aspirated. All recent Evoras are supercharged.

Dothraki perhaps?

Don’t let the haters get you down Matt. This is good to know.

Do they get any downforce from the spinning grass blade?


What will I do in the one to two weeks I don’t have a laptop?

Holy shit that was blistering. I kinda want to punch Buttigieg in the face now.

To be fair, dubya wasn’t really calling the shots during his presidency. He played his part with aplomb though.

I think the burden of this rests squarely on management. Most dealership customers don’t interact with the mechanics.