Even though Lotus Evora is now my answer for everything, I’m with Kristen on this one. Panteras are badass.
Even though Lotus Evora is now my answer for everything, I’m with Kristen on this one. Panteras are badass.
On a more serious note, this chart may provide a clue:
I blame it on cocaine.
If you can find one for $35k (which is possible), an Evora would be even better. A/C works great.
I was in a similar situation but with kids. I considered a Granturismo, but I ended up getting a Lotus Evora.
I want a bumpersticker for my WRX:
This is why I love Jalopnik.
I have no problem with the government repealing fuel economy standards as long as they replace it with a hefty fuel tax of at least 100%.
Dear DICE-
I tried to get GREP4IT in California (I’m kind of a UNIX dork). They denied my application because it apparently contains a gang reference. The best I could come up with is grep has a Levenshtein distance of 2 from crip.
He probably went offroading with Collins.
She also failed to join most other state AGs in suing Cephalon/Teva Pharmaceuticals for manipulating prices of generic modafinil. People who had to pay for that shit out of pocket in California will never see a dime of that money back.
I’d like to see this done in Odyssey underwater with Poseidon’s Trident.
White Rabbit would like to have a word with you.
I dunno. The tech drove at that speed for maybe 2 seconds at the most. It looked like he was driving 5 to 10mph above posted and decided to blip the throttle. The car ended up going 94mph. I didn’t watch it with sound, so it’s hard to judge.
If I could own the tooling and make the cars myself with more modern running gear, I choose the Ferrari Dino 246 GT. I love that body.
I think you missed “good people”
Came here for this.
The flash to pass is implied. But it’s so bad where I live that I don’t know why I bother anymore.
And since you aren’t tailgating, the person behind you decides that you are the one holding them up and passes you on the right. They cut in front of you, and then you have to slow down so you aren’t tailgating them.