
My cats know that if they use the cat scratcher by the door, someone will open the door. They very rarely scratch anything else.

My worst case scenario is that Hillary and Donald win their respective nominations and then Hillary is indicted for the e-mail thing.

Amazon does this themselves with the Vine program. Members can get all kinds of free shit for writing reviews.

Exactly. And you gotta back it up too.

No, I don’t work for google, but I know enough about datacenter storage to know that $1000 is off by at least one order of magnitude.

Even with all of their COTS storage tech, 300TB costs way more than $1000.

This isn’t a wild theory. It all goes back to Kurosawa’s Hidden Fortress- where a grander story is told from the perspective of two seemingly minor characters. That film served as a basis for A New Hope.

google is really regretting the unlimited drive deal it gave to CERN.

If you RTFA you’ll see that it was a zero day he found himself. It sounds like the vendor was notified but it hasn’t been patched yet.

woulda woulda woulda

I would imagine detection would trigger a rapid, automated response like fail2ban or a nagios event handler.

Oh the NSA can manage it. Easily. They just don’t want anyone to know they can manage it.

You don’t need to score to be a great player.

Some timber companies do this, but many do not. Fortunately we are getting to the point where the ones that do not are going out of business.

No. Driven by Christopher Walken.

I’ve said it before and I will say it again-

Does the new slide rule not compute logarithms correctly?

This. Thanks for making my comment for me.

Wow. Alfred Jarry is in there! I never thought of him as a sci-fi writer.

I would reserve one if the wait time were not so long. I don’t know how long my hooned out WRX is going to last. (12 years 220k miles so far)