
I would reserve one if the wait time were not so long. I don’t know how long my hooned out WRX is going to last. (12 years 220k miles so far)

I see the interior as a cost cutting measure. I could care less about the interior as long as it goes as fast as they say it does.

That does look better.

Ultimately we all want something we really like at a price we can afford. Not “gets the job done”. We want to be proud of our possessions because, unfortunately, we believe they are a reflection of who we are.

I drove a 900 once and was surprised at what a piece of shit it was.

The biggest Forum shitstorm I’ve ever seen is a Lakers game.

I think the bird DOES know it.

I pretty much buy only ASUS boards. They do tend to cost more though.

They used a brad nailer to nail the flooring to the studs so that it would come out easily.

That is brilliant.

I WANT to buy an electric car. I have been holding off on a new car purchase until a decent electric car is somewhat affordable.

Oat Cloture - When the ag bill gets through the Senate

This is even better than the stanced Baja on Jalopnik. And that is pretty sweet.

Excel is a tool that is flexible and pervasive enough that it is constantly used for things that it shouldn’t be. It’s not Excel’s fault really.

Well played.

On looks alone... no.

I’d make a FPS sorta like Battlefield except in space. The closest thing I can think of would be the space level in (the original) Battlefront, except players would actually be able to pilot the capital ships, troop transports, and other ships in addition to the fighters.

I live in a part of California where the nearest In-N-Out is a three hour drive away. This just makes me sad.

I agree. I’ve driven similar terrain in a frickin Miata. I drive a WRX now that I am middle aged with kids.

They certainly do. I just wish they would use it for a game I want to play. Ahem.... BF1944.... Cough....