
They need a better barge. Maybe the entire landing platform could be on a giant gimbal to counter wave pitch. Maybe a mechanism to “catch” the rocket in case of landing strut failure.

Excel is a tool that is flexible and pervasive enough that it is constantly used for things that it shouldn’t be. It’s not Excel’s fault really.

Well played.

Moonraker! Always underrated. I think I’ve seen that one more than any other Bond film.

On looks alone... no.

I’d make a FPS sorta like Battlefield except in space. The closest thing I can think of would be the space level in (the original) Battlefront, except players would actually be able to pilot the capital ships, troop transports, and other ships in addition to the fighters.

You would also have to account for the chances of someone else winning. If you spent $584402676 you might break even if you were the sole jackpot winner, but if you had to share then probably not.

I live in a part of California where the nearest In-N-Out is a three hour drive away. This just makes me sad.

I might add to your analogy that what we currently understand about this nano-assembly system is just the ‘print’ statements.

The excavator begs to differ.

I agree. I’ve driven similar terrain in a frickin Miata. I drive a WRX now that I am middle aged with kids.

They certainly do. I just wish they would use it for a game I want to play. Ahem.... BF1944.... Cough....

I know this is silly, but I can’t take a general seriously when he doesn’t wear a collared shirt under his jacket. I mean, I did that in the 80’s, but geez, it’s a fashion disaster on an old dude in a position of authority.

The dude grew up in Fortuna. Now he is not living in Fortuna. Of course he is happy.

Now playing

There’s a few. A search for B-58 Ejection is the ticket.

You can also fly the plane while the clamshell is closed. There’s a really cool movie somewhere on the internets about this system.

Yeah, but it’s not as punny.

DBAs will never let that happen. They like the fountains of money they get far too much.

Anytime a friend/family asks for help, I tell them I don’t do Windows.

The Secret Lives of Waldo Kitty.