
If you do a google search of New Idria, you get an ad for Ferrari of San Francisco. That area is the best driving country in California.

If you can configure the cable modem/router provided by your ISP, go into it and look for "Bridge mode". If you put it in bridge mode, it will stop routing and just be a cable modem.

You can get Time Capsule functionality from an Airport Extreme by just plugging in a USB Hard Drive. You may have to format it HFS first though. Works great.

The dominance of Daft Punk in California is solely attributable to my 2 year old. He likes Get Lucky, but his real favorite is Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger. He listens to it over and over again every waking moment. I have had ample opportunity to practice my robot dance.

One thing that is invaluable that I didn't see mentioned is a HEADLAMP.

I did see CBC do that for one race. Not this one though.

Just another reminder of how incredibly fugly the F-18 is... Is it just me? Every time I look at it I want to tear out my eyeballs.

Star Wars did not win the Oscar. It was nominated, but unfortunately Close Encounters won. Stupid Academy.

This proof is flawed.

Damn. Another one of my ideas stolen out from under me.

Interesting to see NAC up near the top. Best hangover cure there is.


In OSX, root is root. You can get a shell as root with "su" if you have the root password. Otherwise, you can get a root shell with "sudo su" if you run it from an account with admin privileges (In the sudoers file).

I meant to post this in a different thread... oops!

Fortunately, I have the same burner name as my old gawker account name. I see it as the same as my old account, but harder to log into. I lost my star, but whatever.

I'll see your vette and raise you an Auto Union Type C.

Yeah, but you would get to fly an awesome spaceship, or dig for buried treasure before you return to your pirate ship. I'd definitely be happy about that.

The power button problem was solved ages ago. The power button for the Mac Pro has always been on the (Apple) monitor. The one on the back is for everyone who can't afford an Apple monitor.

Suddenlink seems slow as molasses lately, but I think that is because their web proxy dohickey is barfing.

Apple had their own version called the Portrait Display. Unfortunately it was only greyscale if I remember correctly.