best schtick on here.
best schtick on here.
Words mean things, dipshit.
fewl fekkin stawp
I understand that there has been some looting, homeboy.
You: “Let the looting continue!”
Fr3e liquor and tv for da hood!
The violent reactions by protesters probably doesn’t help. All that awareness poor Kap raised - all that justified moral superiority - poof. Gone.
You should probably get your boy outta there before he gets shot.
Don’t be dense.
Knock him down with the heater, kid.
If this is some sort of bullshit thing to get this man removed from his job for drinking a beer, then fuck that! Just - no. Stop fucking making every little flub a fireable offense.
Thanks for the rape count, Cap.
So what’s the point here? That the attorneys should take it easy on her? That alternative arguments aren’t permitted in a legal brief? Just draw the inferences for me so I can be outraged or not.
Baby got a blister on his little thumb??
Your prime was 500 Days of Kristen. ;-)
Government has a warped mentality.
When I was typing out my comment, I was just really relieved that a red line appeared under it. But you’re very reflexive.
Go back to Africa.
Thank you.