Kyle Greasy

Difference being my dead, racist grandpa drove an eighteen-wheeler his entire life and wasn’t preaching his bullshit on a national stage.


Screaming for Vengeance and Seek and Destroy are what I thought I might see with this headliner.

I think you captured what’s going on here pretty well. The first part is that football is on such a pedestal and they don’t want anything interjected into viewing time that isn’t football related. I’d like to point to the Presidential debate schedule being on Sundays as an example. They seem to assume that it’s a

1999? Get fucked, bitch.

Oh jeez, I’m just on here for a point or two. Not a discussion. Just enough to ensure it’s not a huge echo chamber. Enjoy your Labor Day!

Well, they left where they came from to escape being murdered, presumably. So, forgive me if I don’t feel bad that they’re being sheltered in a safe place and being fed.

“So we can have enough manpower to slaughter the tribes of the Seven Nations.”

Didn’t the Soviets fuck up Afghanistan and Cuba and the Eastern Bloc? Don’t they play a role in Syria? Surely U.S. foreign policy is not the only reason parts of the world become destabilized.

I would posit that they are not so much starting a hunger strike as continuing the diet they had in El Salvador / Guatemala. The individual stories are truly heartbreaking, but at what point do we get to stop playing the savior role, the “land of opportunity?”


Bring your food. Bring your art. Leave the headscarf.

Conspicuous consumption, ignorance, fast food, outrage. I didn’t say it was great, I’m just saying we don’t want to import the regressive aspects of other societies to see how stupid we can get.

Bullshit naivete.

Why come to the U.S.A. if you just want to re-establish your culture in a new region? You can’t just mindlessly argue for a right of a people to establish their own national/ethnic identity and completely ignore the fact that we have our own culture and norms that we value - and that we would like to continue having.

Both of these women are embarassingly awful - based on their respective looks and personalities. But the writers and the comment section always manage to take fairly easy targets and then make me eye roll so hard. Like, one of you is going on about black men and slavery. Why don’t you just make a joke about how fat

So I say that women aren’t forced into the culture of conspicuous consumption and fake appearances, and you give me a link to Mike Pence’s state-run anti-abortion crusade. Poor Ms. Patel, I agree. I didn’t get too far into the article. Why didn’t she get rid of the little parasite before the Constitutionally protected

That’s kinda bullshit since American women aren’t punished by the state and the church for non-compliance. So fuck your Muslim apologist bullshit.

Jezebel says that rape victims try to normalize their attacker and the situation. I say, we’ve spent a whole week talking about race. Let’s talk about the race of the attacker.
