I don’t write the rules, Miss.
I don’t write the rules, Miss.
Wow, you had something there for a minute, Ash. But, blammo, you pull the race card out on the 4th paragraph. All conservatives are racist for not wanting open borders and to act as a safety net to war refugees. God knows that a bunch of private-school raised Dallasites have never uttered anything racist in their…
I’m not allowed to explain on Jezebel. It’s against the rules.
These ladies go crazy when men talk.
Chancellor is a little bitch. Why don’t you leave the ‘wood’ at home and try to wrap up and make a tackle?
You know it’s fake cause otherwise you bitches would be screaming about mansplaining in the comments.
Never go full retard.
My girlfriend went out there last month. Tried to go again last night with her girlfriends. It already closed down. And it’s in the gayberhood of Dallas. Go figure.
Needs more pictures.
I mean, why be shy about the agenda? This is about offending people’s religious sensibilities if the ‘administrative decision’ that I read about is correct. Why not just deport all the brown people? This sure isn’t about stopping terror attacks. Because, you know, the beach.
I know we’re not supposed to say it, and I’m not going to, but rest assured, I am thinking some pretty racist shit right now.
Would post the new Metallica song, but it’s hot garbage and not only has the song-writing inspiration gone, it seems like Hetfield is the only one that has kept up his playing chops.
It may be sad for them, but the story makes me very happy.
Not enough strippers!
Did not see alleged nipple.
So negative.
Dude, I get the same way when someone stands in front of what I’m shopping for groceries. I wish I had the athletic dominance to just put somebody down for it.
Nobody gives a shit, Chy-nah!