
Have you ever been to LaGrange? If so, you understand what would drive someone to do this.

Grew up next to Appalachia, lost a few to Oxy, the ones who lived are now mostly on heroin. Live in the northern Atlanta ‘burbs now and heroin is a rapidly growing problem. There does not seem to be a recovery from heroin. I understood that as a pretty wild teenager in the late 80s. I think the difference now is

A four year old is wildly observant and was strapped in a car with his caretakers - who were dead for all he knew. My first instinct would have been to help and comfort the kid. It is terrible all around.

Good point. His looks and stoner dude vibe throw people off.

What is Nico Rosberg, Alex?

That’s right! I had forgotten that episode of TAL. It was bizarre.

Just when you think they have scraped the bottom, they go deeper. Amazing.

Billy Joel was right

Watching Murray play is about as much fun as going to the dentist. Although going to the dentist is less cringe inducing, so...

Seems to fit Murray

Lord, he wears the fuck out of a suit. Grrr

Bond has to be at least clever. Isn’t Cavill a bit dim? Lovely though.

I have known plenty of women like Luann who (believe they) can not survive without a man. I assume Luann’s desperation is aggravated by money issues too?

When I have had a drink or four, I have been known to smoke a few and they are still wonderful and gross. And they make a hangover exponentially worse.

You know there are no meaty legs under those pants - I am pretty sure he looks like Mike Wazowski naked.

It burns!

Call a pro! Seriously. Save yourself time, money, trouble, and exposure to poison. The pros will guarantee their work and you will be rid of lice as fast as possible.

We should make it a more difficult to obtain a U.S. passport - add some sort of “don’t be a jerk/there is a big wide world out there” class.

It is not recreational, it is a supplement!